Fostering growth, development, and reflection in relationships
An important part of our program is promoting mental health and well-being among infants, young children, caregivers and our staff. We seek to create changes in systems and address inequities in our community. Using an Infant Mental Health perspective, we meet infants, toddlers, and young children and their caregivers where they live, attend child care or school, and in their own communities.
We support young children and their caregivers during some of the most challenging times of their lives, as they deal with complex emotional and behavioral issues, domestic violence, drug and alcohol addiction, abuse and neglect, early mental health issues, and family crisis. It is our goal to minimize the impact of stress and trauma to prevent more significant mental health issues from developing. When issues do arise, our program offers specialized support and intervention by highly trained mental health professionals, parent educators, and other professionals who specialize in working with families and caregivers of infants and young children. The earlier we can intervene, the greater the impact and hope of minimizing more significant mental health issues later.
We operate out of the belief that to help strengthen young children and their families, we must consider the needs of the whole family. Our goal is to help our clients build strength and resilience to overcome adversity. We are dedicated to collaborating with other social service agencies who share this philosophy and help us connect clients to other resources in our community.
our story
Find out about our organization,
mission, and methods.